Founder’s note : The definition of art has evolved in my life with every year passing by. From just being something i used to scribble randomly on paper, it became all about converting emotions, surroundings and everyday happening into a blank piece of any medium, be it paper, canvas, a wall, or skin.

I was associated with the very idea of creating art and craft since i was 4 years old. My mother had enrolled me into weekend art classes when i was seven, although five years into it, i discontinued, as i was returning home with empty sketchbooks. My mind was so empty and i did not know how to express what i was really feeling within.

At the age of 18, i took the courage of holding a pen again and had been doodling. Very grateful to the universe that it’s been six years, and that one evening changed my whole life. I had found the drawing to be really nice. Got it printed on a tshirt for myself. I have this strange habit of praising my own self for whatever i do, so i love to convert my hand-drawn artworks into merchandise and wear them around. I am my own big fan.

In 2015, I had realised, that to follow the trend of quirky usernames on Instagram, I should come up with something too. Bubble In The Ink happened. Although I launched it as a proper brand in 2019, at Comic Con India, I have always related to that name, more than ever. Initially my artworks comprised doodles, but slowly I started diving into various abstract concepts, and sketching eventful occurrences in my life, and started converting my artworks into various products that people can include in their lives.

My innate love for fountain pens, ink and endless sketching and doodling, has resulted in the name Bubble In The Ink. If you’ve used fountain pens for a considerably long time, you’d know, that there needs to be a bubble in the ink-cartridge , for the pen to function without leakage. Bubble, a thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or another gas, is so important metaphorically in our lives too, no matter where you are or what you do. To me, it is a space of unleashing what’s on my mind, you know? The space you require to be yourself, to function, to create, to breathe.

To follow up with all my adventures in the Art World, follow the Bubble In The Ink page on Instagram


The Team

Sagarika Ganguly


Yash Palwe

WEB Developer

Souvike Saha

Graphic Designer